Monday 26 August 2013

Eldar Missiles and Scatter Lasers
After playing a game of capture the objective, I found out that a scatter laser and missike launcher are very complementary weapons. The scatter laser can be added to any of the vehicle's. same as the missile launcher. Now this follows one rule it can only be twin linked if it is on a wave serpant, but when on a walker, id say its best to have a missile as you can take a flakk and starshot missile for 5 points, then for an extra 10 you can claim the plasma missile allowing you to use a blast. But the reason im saying scatter lasers is because, they have a thing called laser lock which allows a re roll of the dice, But they prove effective with 36" range and 4 shots each, this means you can have open fire at a squad and hope to wipe them out. and its easy to get high digits with it as, most of the times against necrons i only had to roll a 2+ to hit and a 3+ to wound. and if i missed i could simply roll again. also dont forget eldars special rule of flee this helps alot